Tuesday, October 4, 2011


And suddenly it's October. A one week vacation from the blog turned into more than one month. But I'm back.

And to commemorate my return to the blog, in this, my favorite month of the year, I give you the...


When was the last time you picked up a waffle, burning your fingers, to nibble away at the whole thing before you even add syrup or butter or jam? I defy you to not pick up this delicious creation straight off the waffle iron and not say "Ow, ow! Yum! Yum!" as you devour it before it even hits the plate.

This delicious recipe brought to you verbatim from the cooks.com website. Make it this weekend. You won't regret it.

Pumpkin Waffles
3 eggs
2/3 c. milk
1/2 c. cooked pumpkin
2 c. Bisquick mix
2 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. ginger
1/4 c. salad oil

Beat eggs until lemony yellow, stir in remaining ingredients, and cook batter in waffle iron according to standard directions.

If you want to be really decadent, you can whip up a little cream cheese for the top.