Biked to a nearby park today to play some mini-golf and stopped by the Humane Society to play with some kitlets and puplets. On the way home decided to pick up a few things at the store to try some new recipes, including the Creamy Lime Coleslaw I saw in Sunset Magazine. After some tense moments biking back from Whole Foods carrying two cabbages (picture it, it's not easy—many witnesses and innocent bystanders on the road today could attest to that) we chopped up copious cabbage, cilantro, and green onions and mixed up a tangy yogurt lime dressing. Made such a huge amount we will now be eating this coleslaw for breakfast, lunch, and dinner until July. I hope it's good. Will let you know.
Apparently this Strasburg guy is a big deal. But I go to the game for the beverages and other delicacies. Then someone far more impressive showed up—the President and his daughters! I spent the rest of the game looking away from the field watching the activity in the luxury box above us. At one point Mr President took a phone call on his BlackBerry, just to look like he's important. Because, well, he is.
I really can't believe I've been back in the USA for more than two weeks already. It disturbs me somewhat that I can be out of the country for 6 weeks and yet sink right back into the grind in the time it takes to drink a Starbucks latte. Daily life and work and other distractions have kept me from posting more stories and photos about our trip. But I'll work on posting more stories and photos now.
I can only think to say the most cliche thing to sum up the trip. India was incredible. We saw so many great places, but even still, it felt like we had missed so much and that there was so much more to see. We started our trip in Delhi, then took the train to Agra to see the Taj Mahal. After that we drove to Jaipur (with a driver!) to take in some desert scenery and forts. Then it was down to Goa for some beaches and relaxation, followed by the beautiful, beautiful state of Kerala where we cruised the backwaters and enjoyed the laid back local lifestyle. Finally, it was back to Delhi to wrap up a few things, celebrate B's birthday with a fancy dinner, and then board the long flight home. The trip was inspiring, tiring, exhilirating, overwhelming, and fun all at the same time. I'll post more on each part of our trip soon.
Having trouble reconciling Delhi and Northern Virginia in my mind. How can these two places be on the same planet? And how could I have been in one place yesterday, and the other today?